Public Safety and Security Experts
More and more corporate executives, attorneys, law enforcement associations, academic professionals, and product developers are turning to PSSG to expand, supplement or enhance their services.
About Public Safety Strategies Group
Public Safety Strategies Group was formed in 2018 by several public safety leaders who have experience that ranges from law enforcement to public policy and issue advocacy. Our team is ready to work with you to achieve your goals by providing expertise and technical assistance.
Contact us for a free evaluation of your project and a preview of what we can do:
- Flat fee arrangements
- Monthly retainers
- Hourly rates
Our Services
Subject Matter Expertise: Public Safety Agency and Jail Operations
Product Development and Technical Assistance
Safety and Justice Policy & Advocacy

What People Are Saying
Rich Stanek
CEO - Principal Consultant
Rich Stanek is an internationally recognized expert in law enforcement, public safety, and corrections. While licensed as a police officer for nearly four decades, Rich served as Minnesota’s Commissioner of Public Safety and Director of Homeland Security, and as Sheriff of Hennepin County, Minnesota. Sheriff Stanek (ret.) has led national, state, and local law enforcement agencies, and is well-known as an innovator and champion for the public safety mission; he is a published author, frequent conference speaker and media guest.
Rich is the Principal Consultant for Public Safety Strategies Group, LLC (PSSG) a national consulting firm providing subject matter expertise and services for public agencies and private firms across the United States. Rich works with Executive-level leaders from small agencies to Fortune 500 Companies providing PSSG’s clients with a broad portfolio of services, including organizational and leadership studies and guidance, strategic planning, information sharing; leveraging and developing new technology, corporate security, and relationship development.
Rich Stanek’s national leadership influences included Law Enforcement Senior Advisor to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Secretary of Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He was an integral contributor to FirstNet, as a Board member for 6 years. Rich served as President of the Major County Sheriffs of America (MCSA), Vice President of the National Sheriffs Association (NSA), President of the Leaders in International Counterterrorism (LinCT), and President of the Minnesota Sheriff’s Association (MSA). He continues his service to the law enforcement community and on behalf of PSSG clients through his membership and work with National Public Safety and Corrections Associations; including the International Association Chiefs of Police, Police Executive Research Forum, National Sheriff’s Association, and Major County Sheriffs of America.
Sheriff Stanek’s legacy continues through his creation of the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Community Engagement Team, Jail Mental Health Services Reforms, Violent Offender Task Force (VOTF), Criminal Information Sharing & Analysis Unit (CISA), and construction of the new regional Communications Facility. He is acknowledged to have reduced violent crime across the county by 38% between 2007-2018; he was among the first in the nation to serve as Incident Commander under the National Incident Management Systems (NIMS) after the collapse of the 35 W Bridge in Minneapolis in 2007.
Rich is a graduate of the University of Minnesota, with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice; he earned a Masters’ Degree in Public Administration from Hamline University. He has been married to Sally Stanek since 1986, and they have two adult children. He is an avid Minnesota outdoorsman, and enjoys fishing, boating, hunting, snowmobiling, and even ice fishing in below zero temperatures.
Meet Rich Stanek
Rich Stanek has a lifetime of public safety and public policy experience that his clients are able to benefit from. Upon retiring as Sheriff of Hennepin County, he established PSSG and Stanek & Associates so that he could continue to grow and share his public safety expertise.
More than 38 years of public safety experience
- Three term Sheriff of Hennepin County, MN
- Retired Captain from the Minneapolis Police Department
- Minnesota's former Commissioner of Public Safety & Director of Homeland Security